Human behaviour and daily activities

What Astanga Hrudayam says about behaviour of human and other daily activities should be in daily life we will know here.

Natural Good/bad Conduct:. Natural urges like urinating & stool passing whenever they come, without being busy in other activities need to pass them as soon as possible. Forcefully practice of these things should be avoided.

• The path of righteousness makes happy always, may be it little but stays permanant. So all should follow path of righteousness.

Bad deeds are mostly are 10 types, Such Sins effecting to body, Speech & mind should be avoided. All such deeds are as follows

  • Himsa (causing injury, torture etc.)
  • steya ( stealing, robbing)
  • anyathakama (unlawful sexual activity, desiring for others)
  • paisunya (abusive or harsh speech )
  • parusha vachana (harsh speech)
  • Anruta vacana ( speaking untruth)
  • sambhinna alapa (speech causing separation, breaking of company)
  • vyapada (quarrel, intention of harming )
  • abhidya (jealousy, not tolerating good of others)
  • drgviparyaya ( finding fault, misunderstanding, faithlessness etc. with scriptures, elders etc)

Auspicious thinking

Those man, who have no means of livelihood Suffering from diseases and afflicted with grief should be helped.Insect and ants should be seen with respect as Similar to a physician, king & Guest.Beggars shouldn’t be disappointed, abused on objected… One should be very helpful even to his toes, even is they are not helpful, should maintain a balanced mind both during calamityand prosperity and shouldn’t be envious towards wealth and happiness of others.

Talking Style:

Speak only on right occasion, speak good words, be pleasant and talk little as per necessity. Do not argue, do not say untrue things.

Productiveness of Self Image at every place:

  • Always be the first to greet, to start conversation
  • Have a Smiling face
  • Good character, be courteous, soft in speech always. Do not be alone always.
  • Do not believe everything around you, ask in mind or to others about truth or existence of everything which are doubt but do not suspect everything.
  • Do not instantly think that other as your foe and he is a foe of someone. Taking about own insults whichever you someday underwent and disaffection towards your king / boss/Senior shouldn’t be done publicly.

Dealing with others:

Always try to recognise and keep in mind the nature of the peoples, one should deal with them such manner as bet pleasing to them. Art of adoring should be taken priority at every time when dealing to others. Those things that are devoid of dharma artha, kama, do not engage yourself in these thing. In all dealing ,one should adopt middle mean only not extremes…

Personal Hygiene:

  • one should cut his/her hairs, nail, and moustache regularly. Keep clean to feet, ears, nose, eyes, urethea and anus alway with clean water. Take bath daily.
  • One Shouldn’t Sneeze, lough on yawn without covering his mouth.
  • No one should gaze at Sun for a long time, should not carry heavy weight on his head, not to see Continuously objects which are minute, shining, dirty- and unpleasant.
  • Never drink wine and not to engage in selling, brewing, free distributing, or receiving of wine.
  • Everybody should avoid the direct breeze, Sunlight, dust,Snow, hard breeze (whirlwind) etc, Shouldn’t Sneede belch, Cough, Sleep, dine or copulate in improper posture.

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