Vata,pitta kapha are three dosha of body. A good health depends on perfect balance of the three doshas and imbalance between vata, pitta, kapha leads to disease.
All doshas have their specific location in body such as
Kapha= top part to upper chest
Pitta = upper chest to umbilicus
Bata= below umbilicus part
Types of Prakriti (Body types)
Body tissues and waste products:
- Rasa:- The first product after digestion.
- Rakta:- Blood, aslo called asruk.
- Mamsa:- Muscle.
- Meda:- Fat tissue.
- Asthi:- Bones and cartilage.
- Majja:- Bone marrow.
- Sukra:- Semen/ovum with respect to man/woman
- Shakrut/Pareesha:- Faeces
- Sweda:- Sweat.
- Mutra:- urine