Dinacharya- Daily life

Brahmi muhurta means early 3 hours from sunrise is the best time to get up from bed. Avarage best time is around 5-6 AM.After getting up, everyone should pass urine and faeces , cleaning their teeth with herbs like

Arka (Calotropis procera),

Vata (Ficus benghalensis),

Khadira (Acacia catechu),

Karanja (Pongamia pinnata),

Kakubha (Terminalia arjuna).

The thickness of the herb brush should be approximately equal to tip of ones little finger and length should be 12 finger length. The twig should be astringent, pungent and bitter in taste. People suffering from indigestion, vomiting, dyspnoea, cough, fever, excessive thirst, mouth ulcer, heart disease and ear diseases shouldn’t do teeth brushing.

Collyrium(Eye care):

Soybean anjana is a special type of of collyrium is good to apply daily basis on both eyes and Rasanjana (aqueous extract of Berberis aristata) should be used weekly to remove out kapha secretions from eye.

Nasal Care and mouth care:

After collyrium, nasal installation drops, usually from milk, herbal devotion and herbal oil are used to put on nasal a small quantity on both the nasal sides.

Then gargling with warm water,milk, herbal decoction/oil should be done. After that betel leaf should be chewed to achieve or maintain a high level of immunity. Contra-indication for betel leaf chewing are suffering from wounds, bleeding disease, dryness, redness of eye, poisoning, repeated unconscious, intoxication and tuberculosis like disease, one should avoid such practices to maintain a balance of Tridoshas on body.

Abhyanga-Oil massage:

Abhyanga(Sanskrit word) means massage of oil over body. This practice delays ageing, relieves tiredness and excess of Vata. Massaging in morning on daily basis improves vision, nourishes body tissues, prolongs age, gives deep sleep, improves skin tone and complexion. Massaging should be done on specially ears, head and legs. This should be avoided when increased kapha in body, soon after sadhana(Panchakarma procedure) and during indigestion.


Bathing improves digestion, act as aphrodisiac, prolongs life, increases enthusiasm and strength. Elimination of waste product, sweat, microbes, dirt skinare improved by bathing

Pouring warm water over the body increases. Strengh, but pouring it over the head makes loss of Strength of hair and eyes.

Sabbering from facial paralysis, diseases of eye. mouth, ears, diarrhoea, flatulence, rhinitis, Indigestion and just after bood bathing is not recommended.

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