Pre-winter and Winter

Hemanta Ritucharya – Ayurveda Winter regimen: Mid November – Mid January

During Hemantha, the people are strong, digestive fire becomes powerful, because it gets obstructed from flowing outward due to external winter. Like fuel consumes the things that it comes into contact, digestive fire may cause emaciation of body tissues. Hence, in this period, one should consume food predominant with sweet sour and salt tastes.

As the nights are longer, person feels hungry early in the morning. So, after attending to oblutions, one should resort to Abhaynga (oil massage) with oils that have Vata balancing properties. Massage should be done especially to scalp and forehead. Mild massaging, wrestling till one’s half strength and trampling of the body is recommended.

After this, oil is washed off with astringent powders and bathing. Then fine powder of Saffron and kasthuri (musk) is applied. The body is exposed to the fumes of aguru (Aquilaria agallocha) Since the digestion power is high, heavy-to-digest food such as meat soup mixed with fats, meat of well nourished animals, wine prepared with jaggery, supernatant part of wine (Sura) should be had more.

Food prepared with wheat flour, black gram products of sugarcane and of milk, food prepared from freshly harvested corn, muscles, fat and edible oils should be partaken as food. Warm water should be used for oblutions, thick sheet made of cotton, leather, silk, wool or bark of trees that are light in weight should be used during sleep. Exposure to sunlight and fire should be resorted to, judiciously. Foot wear should be worn always.

Women who have – well developed thighs, breasts, buttocks, who are enchanting, and exhilarated by the use of – fragrant fumes, scents, youthfulness, and thus made warm in their body, who are liked, drive away the cold by their embrace. One may have sex as per his liking.

Persons who spend their time residing in houses kept warm by fire, in inner most apartment encircled with others, or in underground chambers, will not be affected by diseases due to cold and dryness. Overall, in Hemantha Ritu, the strength and digestion power are more. Hence one can exercise, undergo oil massage, eat heavy foods and may have sex.

2. Sisira Rutu charya – Ayurveda winter regimen – Mid January – Mid March:

Even in shishira Ritu, the same regimen, as described above should be adopted with more intensity. During this period cold is severe and dryness more

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