
A season is comprised of two months .

  • Shishira Ritu (winter, dewy season) – Magha and Phalguna (Mid January – Mid March)
  • Vasanta Ritu (Spring season) – Chaitra and Vaishakha (Mid March – Mid May)
  • Greeshma Ritu (Summer season) – Jyeshta and Ashadha (Mid May to Mid July)

The above three Ritus form Uttarayana – Northern solstice. Here, fire is dominant. It is also called as Adana Kala, wherein the human strength is relatively low.

  • Varsha Ritu (Rainy Season) – Shravana and Bhadrapada – Mid July – mid September
  • Sharath Ritu (Autumn season) – Ashvayuja and Karthika – Mid September to Mid November
  • Hemantha Ritu (Winter season) – Margashira and Pushya – Mid November to Mid January

These three seasons form Dakshinayana – Southern solstice. It is also called as Visarga Kala,
wherein the human strength will be relatively high.

Uttarayana – Adana kala – Northern Solstice – mid January – mid July

Because of the nature of the path, both the Sun and wind become very strong, powerful and dry during this half of the year. It takes away all the cooling qualities of the earth. Bitter, Astringent and Pungent tastes (Tikta, kashaya and Katu Rasas) will be more powerful, respectively, in the successive Ritus. Hence Adana Kala is dominated by fire.

Dakshinayana – Visarga Kala – Southern Solstice – mid July – mid January

During this period, the Sun releases strength of the people. Here moon is more powerful, earth is cooled down due to clouds, rain and cold wind. Sour, Salt and sweet (Amla, Lavana and Madhura) tastes are dominant respectively during the three seasons of this period.

Variation in strength as per season:

  • Winter – Hemantha and Shishira – mid November – mid March – Highest strength
  • Summer and rainy seasons – mid May – mid September – Lowest strength
  • Spring and Autumn – Medium strength.

Now we have discussed above about relationships between body and various seasons, please find our other posts which we have detailed information about each season.

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