Preventive Healthcare

This is the fourth chapter of Astanga Hrudayam called Roganutpadaniya Adhyaya explains about method of adjusting the body to the natural signs so as to avoid toxic material accumulation and onset of disease process. Basically this chapter deals with prevention of unset diseases.

Common Natural urges:

Adhovata – flatus (fart),

Vit – faeces, Mutra – urine,

Kshavatu – sneeze,

Trut – thirst,

Kshudha – hunger,

Nidra – sleep,

Kasa – cough,

Shramashvasa – breathing on exertion,

Jrumbha – Yawning,

Ashru – tears, weeping,

Chardi – vomiting these are common Natural urges ,people mostly try to partially or forcefully stop sometimes. Now we will see what this chapter says about bad effects and treatment of every suppressed urges.

1. Suppression of Flatus:

By suppression of the urge of flatus (farting), on a continuous basis, one becomes prone to abdominal bloating, tumor, bloating, gaseous distension of abdomen abdominal pain, tiredness, exhaustion without doing anything, constipation and difficulty in urination, loss of vision and loss of digestive power, diseases related to upper part of stomach and heart.

This is because – the Vata gets obstructed in intestine by avoiding farting. At intestines and rectum, natural movement of Vata is downward. But because of suppression of flatus, Vata moves in upward direction and causes all these problems. Most of the problems explained are due to Vata imbalance.

2. Suppression of defecation:

Complication for suppression of faeces may be twisting pain of calf muscles, running nose, headache, upward movement of Vata, anal itching sensations, stiffening feeling in chest region, foul breath, feces vomiting.

3. Suppression of urination:

Body pain, Urinary calculi, Pain in penis and bladder region. Diseases that are mentioned in flatus and faeces may also occur in this condition.

Treatment for diseases developed from suppression of Flatus, faeces and urine:

To treat the diseases arising from suppression of flatus, feces and urine, the following should be
given. Rectal and urethral suppositories, Oil massage, tub bath, sitz bath, sweating therapy, sudation therapy, rectal enema, all food that help to induce purgation should be administered.

In diseases caused by suppression of urine, drinking of ghee before lunch is idea. Drinking ghee in the maximum dose at the end of digestion of meal of both the midday and the night is also advised. Such a process of drinking high doses of ghee is called as Avapidaka Sneha.

4. Suppression of belching:

Bad effects:

Suppression of belching may cause Anorexia, lack of interest in taking food tremors, constipation, stiffening sensation in chest region, bloating, gaseous distension of abdomen, cough, cold, hiccup.


The treatment for this is similar to treatment for suppression of hiccups.

5.Suppression of sneezing:

Suppression of sneezing may cause headache, weakness of sense organs, Neck stiffness, Facial palsy.


powerful herbal smoking, Collyrium, Snuffing, seeing Sun directly for a few seconds Massage, Oleation and sudation therapies are also mentioned as treatment.
All these are done to induce sneezing and to regularize Vata movement.

6. Suppression of thirst:

Suppression of thirst causes emaciation, debility, weakness, deafness, loss of consciousness, delusion, cardiac disorder like deseases.

All procedures that are cooling in nature – like cold water drinking, cold water bath along with rehydration is recommended.

7. Suppression of hunger:

Suppression of hunger causes bodyache, myalgia, Anorexia, lack of interest in taking food, debility, emaciation, weight loss, abdominal colic pain, delusion etc like complications.

Treatment: meals, with oily substance (such as ghee), which is hot/warm in nature.

Note: Fasting causes decrease in digestion power and increase in Vata. If you take a large meal after fasting for long, then it will further decrease digestion power. Hence a light meal is advised. Oily substance such as ghee soothes gastric mucosa. Hot/warm food helps to maintain Agni (digestion power).

8. Suppression of sleep:

Suppression of sleep causes delusion, heaviness of head and eyes, laziness, lassitude, yawning, bodyache, myalgia
Sleep and massage.

9. Suppression of cough:

By suppressing cough, it further increases. It further may lead to asthma, COPD, wheezing, breathing difficulty, Anorexia, lack of interest in taking food,
cardiac disorder, Emaciation, hiccup.

Treatment for suppression disorder arising from cough are balancing the kapha in body.

10. Suppression of breathing on exertion:

Avoiding heavy breathing after heavy work may lead to Abdominal tumor, bloating, Cardiac disorder, loss of consciousness, delusion.

Treatment: Rest, Vata balancing treatment.

11.Suppression of yawning:

The suppression of yawning produces similar symptoms to that of suppression of sneezing.

Here, vata balancing activities/treatment should be taken up.

12. Suppression of tear:

Suppression of tears causes, running nose, rhinitis, eye disorders, heart diseases associated with pain, Neck stiffness, Anorexia, lack of interest in taking food, delusion, Abdominal tumor, bloating.

Treatment:sleep and sweet talk with friends and family.

13. Suppression of vomiting:

Suppression of vomiting causes Herpes, spreading skin disease, allergic skin rashes, skin diseases, eye disorders, itching sensation, Anemia, initial stages of liver diseases, fever, cough, cold,COPD Asthma, wheezing, breathing difficulty, nausea, vomiting sensation, Pigmented patches on face, oedema, inflammation.

Treatment:- Preventive measures like gargling ,herbal smoke, eating dry food and inducing vomiting, exercise, purgation type of Panchakarma treatment.

Note: Suppression of vomiting causes Pitta imbalance. Hence most of the treatment above is targeted to balance or eliminate Pitta.


1.Whom should not be given treatment?

Ans:- Who have intense pain and thirst, those who are habituated to suppression of urges – because the vata and other Doshas will frequently get vitiated due to undesired activity and treatment will not be successful. Ksheena – who are severely emaciated, Those who vomit faeces – condition has gone out of control.

2. What are root cause for all diseases?

Ans:- All diseases are caused due to initiation of urges forcefully suppression of naturally initiated urges. For those common diseases arising from these acts, specific treatments have been counted so far. By disturbing the nature, it is Vata that is mainly vitiated. Hence the symptoms arising from suppression of natural urges could be treatment with food and treatment which clear the passages of Vata and help in restoring Vata’s natural movement direction.

3. Which Urges that should be suppressed?

Ans:- The urges that should be suppressed forcefully are greed, envy, hatredness, jealous, unlawful, excessive attraction.

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