Dravya vigyaniya or drinkables is 5th chapter of Astanga Hrudayam discuss about types, qualities and benefits of various drinkables like water, milk, dairy products, sugarcane juices and oils. Various types of water: 1.Rain water: Rain water is which has come into contact with Sunlight, Moon light and wind is enlivening, improves quality of life, satiating, […]

Milk: Generally milk is sweet in taste and also at the end of digestion, unctuous, increases ojus, nourishes and increases body tissues, mitigates Vata and Pitta, aphrodisiac, increases kapha, heavy to digest, coolan cow milk benefits: Cow milk promotes long life, anti aging, rejuvenating, good for those emaciated after chest injury, increases intelligence, strengthening, promotes

Milk, milk products and honey:Read More »

This is the fourth chapter of Astanga Hrudayam called Roganutpadaniya Adhyaya explains about method of adjusting the body to the natural signs so as to avoid toxic material accumulation and onset of disease process. Basically this chapter deals with prevention of unset diseases. Common Natural urges: Adhovata – flatus (fart), Vit – faeces, Mutra –

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Vasanta Rutucharya (Ayurveda Spring regimen) – Mid March – Mid May Kapha which has undergone increase in Shishira (cold season) becomes liquefied by the heat of the Sun in Vasanta (spring). It diminishes the digestive fire (Agni) and gives rise to many diseases. Hence Kapha should be controlled quickly, by resorting to strong emesis therapy

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A season is comprised of two months . The above three Ritus form Uttarayana – Northern solstice. Here, fire is dominant. It is also called as Adana Kala, wherein the human strength is relatively low. These three seasons form Dakshinayana – Southern solstice. It is also called as Visarga Kala,wherein the human strength will be

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Hemanta Ritucharya – Ayurveda Winter regimen: Mid November – Mid January During Hemantha, the people are strong, digestive fire becomes powerful, because it gets obstructed from flowing outward due to external winter. Like fuel consumes the things that it comes into contact, digestive fire may cause emaciation of body tissues. Hence, in this period, one

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The essence of Ayurveda concentrates one to have a long life with achieving purposes of life. Vidheya(obedience) is the most important quality achieving the purposes of life, which are shortly described below Dharma Artha Kama Moksha Birth of Ayurveda Knowledge of Ayurveda was transferred as sequenced below:- Branches of Ayurveda There are about 8 different

Astanga Hrudayam (Basics of Ayurveda)Read More »

Brahmi muhurta means early 3 hours from sunrise is the best time to get up from bed. Avarage best time is around 5-6 AM.After getting up, everyone should pass urine and faeces , cleaning their teeth with herbs like Arka (Calotropis procera), Vata (Ficus benghalensis), Khadira (Acacia catechu), Karanja (Pongamia pinnata), Kakubha (Terminalia arjuna). The

Dinacharya- Daily lifeRead More »